Testimonials and Reviews

My clients expect, and receive, confidentiality so their names and organizations are shown only by title and industry along with the type of assignment performed.

Here’s what they say:

Thank you for the samples and proposed theme message for my session. I love it and agree that it will come across as authentic. I do better when I speak from the heart and not follow a script so I am most intrigued by the Ted-like-talk format.

Thank you testimonial image
Marketing SVP, Major travel company
Industry conference keynote

The session was a big success.  The production people and staff were blown away by our preparation and the interesting and entertaining content.

Thank you testimonial image
Chairman, Large Nonprofit
Talking points for video interview

Thank you so much for this…I think it looks fantastic, unique, aligned with my journey, and intuitive to speak to. 

Thank you testimonial image
Senior VP, Defense Contractor
Keynote Speech

Just to let you know it went very well. Several people specifically sought me out to talk about my remarks. Thank you very much for the tremendous work in such a short period of time.

Testimonials and Reviews
Executive VP of Sales, Global Publishing Company
Annual meeting address

Very pleased. Great feedback from Executive Leadership and Board. 

Testimonials and Reviews
Head of Corporate Responsibility, Top 10 Bank
Principal writer, ESG report


Thank you testimonial image
CEO, Fortune 500 Company
Remarks for panel at World Economic Forum, Davos

Exactly what I was hoping for.

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Nonprofit Executive

I just returned from graduation and want to say the biggest possible thank you! A number of people told me how much they enjoyed my comments and how well pitched they were. 

Thank you testimonial image
Professor, Top Public University
Introduction for commencement speaker

Representative of what I have been hearing: ‘Your closing remarks were a fitting end to a wonderful evening.  Thanks for your leadership.’

Thank you testimonial image
Chairman, Industry Association
Script for awards event

Thank you again for your help on this. As usual your response was right on the mark. From the author: ‘We love both quotes and think the first one would fit nicely on the back of the book jacket.’

Testimonials and Reviews
CEO, Fortune 500 Company
Book jacket quote